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NEWSletter Vol.2 Stay Warm with Hands-on Cultural Experiences!

%e5%b5%90%e5%b1%b1%e8%8a%b1%e7%81%af%e8%b7%afYou can encounter the beautiful Japanese autumn and winter in Kyoto. It is pleasant to walk around our picturesque, historic streets wearing a warm, traditional Japanese Kimono. There will be special events held all around Kyoto. For example, in the Hanatouro event, Kyoto’s famous Arashiyama district and its beautiful Bamboo forests will be lit up with Japanese lanterns. ( You can enjoy Kyoto’s wonderful atmosphere in international meetings and business events as well.

First, how about trying Zen meditation? Kyoto has more than 2500 temples and shrines, and most of them offer Zen meditation classes. Participating in a Zen meditation course before meetings is sure to bring you brilliant brand-new ideas!


Second, at the workshops of Kyoto artisans, you can make your own ‘Made in Kyoto’ crafts. These authentic hands-on workshops are great activities for incentives and excursions. In the past, access to see their workshops has been limited, but it is now possible to see and experience the world of Kyoto artisans and our wonderful traditional art.(Fureaikan, the Kyoto Museum of Traditional Crafts ‘Kyoto Artisan Concierge’ handicraft goods also make great gifts and are a creative way to make your event even more memorable. By giving delegates a piece of Kyoto traditional handicraft, you let them take home a piece of the Japanese spirit they will never forget.(


d03-4096_6144And finally, Nishiki Market, Kyoto’s most famous traditional shopping street will show you the essence of Washoku, Japanese cuisine. (UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage). In winter, Fushimi, Kyoto’s sake brewing district will be in brewing season. Washoku and sake can be incorporated into receptions or social networking events. Or enjoy a peaceful break time between meetings with Japanese traditional teas which will warm and soothe you in the winter season.




* We offer special subsidies for events which use Kyoto culture such as sake barrel-opening ceremonies in their itineraries. Due to popular demand, subsidies for the 2016 fiscal year may not available. Details for the 2017 fiscal year will be available after April 1, 2017.)
