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Why Kyoto
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Meeting Facilities & Accommodations
The third session of the Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC (COP3) where the Kyoto Protocol was adopted is a famous example, but Kyoto has also hosted many other large-scale and notable international meetings including the 2008 G8 Summit. The Science and Technology in Society Form (STS Forum) has been held in Kyoto every year since 2004.
2003 | 3rd World Water Forum, etc. |
2004 | The Science and Technology in Society Form (STS Forum) The Inaugural Meeting, etc. |
2005 | 7th ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) Foreign Ministers' Meeting, etc. |
2006 | 20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, etc. |
2007 | 40th Annual Meeting of the Asian Development Bank, etc. |
2008 | G8 Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Kyoto, etc. |
2009 | 129th Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, etc. |
2010 | 17th APEC Finance Ministers' Meeting, etc. |
2011 | 15th ILO Asia and the Pacific Regional Meeting, etc. |
2012 | the Closing Event of the Celebrations of the 40th Anniversary of the World Heritage Convention, etc. |
2013 | 51st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, etc. |