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Kyoto’s Subsidies for the 2016 Fiscal Year Announced!

Kyoto’s subsidies for the 2016 fiscal year have been announced.

The same subsidy programs that were in place for last fiscal year will remain in place this year with a few revisions.  These subsidies are to provide support for meetings, etc. that are held here as well as be an incentive to help bring new groups into the city.


Among the changes for this year:

– The Kyoto Culture for MICE Subsidy can now be used for tours of workshops of traditional Kyoto artisans and craftspeople as well as for classes where you can try out the crafts yourself

– Lodging requirements for groups has been added, and a certain amount of participants need to be staying the night in the city.


The subsidy for attracting conventions and the subsidies for holding small, medium and large scale MICE Events are largely unchanged this year, but if you have any questions, would like more detailed information, or if you have a project you are interested in using these support systems please don’t hesitate to contact us.  You can also download information about the subsidies at the links below.

We look forward to supporting you with your projects.


Kyoto Subsidies and Support (PDF)

Kyoto Culture for MICE Subsidy (PDF)
