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NEWSletter Vol.2 Meet the Team

Kyoto Convention & Visitors Bureau

Department of Convention & Tourism

Convention and Conference Planning Division


Matthew Stevens




Warmest regards from here in Kyoto!

I am Matthew Stevens, a coordinator here at the Kyoto Convention and Visitors Bureau. I work mostly with congresses, but I also frequently work with business meetings, incentive travel and other events. I am also am in charge of our bureau’s sustainability initiatives and policies.

I especially love working with scientific, medical and scholarly congresses because I admire the great passion and dedication they have for helping others, innovating, and changing the world.

Originally from the United States, I started learning Japanese at the age of 15. I first visited Kyoto as a college student in 2007 while studying Japanese culture and literature. I now have over 5 years of experience working as a professional in Japan.

I have a diverse past working in industries as diverse as travel agencies and fashion design companies. Now I am proud to be representative of Kyoto’s meetings industry

In Kyoto, we offer a world class meetings industry, with incredible congress centers, hotels, cultural attractions, and wonderful transit.

But besides those basic things, there is something truly magical about Kyoto. Whether your meeting is a massive medical congress with thousands of delegates, or an intimate incentive group with just a handful of people, we have special ways we can bring that magic and excitement directly into your meeting. (And we can even offer you special subsidies to help cover costs!)

Kyoto has so much to offer – I am excited to work with you to create the perfect home for your meeting.

We look forward to hearing from you!
