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NEWSletter Vol.2 Kyoto Prefecture’s Meetings Subsidy and Kyoto City’s Large-Scale International Convention Subsidy Currently Accepting Applications

Starting this fiscal year, Kyoto Prefecture started a new subsidy system for meetings. There are still some remaining funds for this year. More information can be found below on the kinds of subsidies available and the requirements to enter.




This year, the subsidies from Kyoto City have been very popular, so there is a chance that some subsidy applications might not be able to be fulfilled or will be only partly fulfilled. However, our Large-Scale International Convention Subsidy is always accepting applications, so please do not hesitate to contact us if you think your meeting might be eligible.

Large-Scale International Convention Subsidy applications can be accepted for international meetings of over 500 participants. Applications must be received before the destination city is decided. If you have a meeting that is considering Kyoto as a potential destination, please feel free to contact us about utilizing this subsidy. (Requirements are for applications received in the 2016 fiscal year. Other requirements apply.)
