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NEWSletter Vol.2 City of Kyoto Visitors Host – Kyoto’s officially certified interpreter guides are a perfect option for excursions and sight-seeing around Kyoto.

This program was created to provide visitors with a reliable way to find and hire guides who are able to explain the full depth of Kyoto’s charming culture and history. (English and Chinese speaking guides available.)

On August 27th, the first group of guides completed their training and certification and are already working hard assisting excursions put on by international meetings and accompanying visiting media.


City of Kyoto Visitors Hosts can be arranged using Clematis, the program’s special search engine. These guides are great options for meeting participants who want to do some sightseeing, or for using in planned excursions for your guests.

For more information, or to find your own City of Kyoto Visitors Host, just visit the link below.


Also, we are currently accepting applications from people who are interested in training in our next group of trainees to become a City of Kyoto Visitors Host. (Application deadline is November 10th)


This time, French will be added to our eligible languages and traditional culture and food culture will be added to the topics of the training to help better match the needs of our visitors.

