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Kyoto Convention and Visitors Bureau’s Yearly Report Reveals Record-breaking Numbers

 Kyoto CVB’s yearly statistics report reveals that Kyoto’s strategic plan has achieved record breaking numbers of participants of international meetings for an astonishing third year in a row!

  The Kyoto Convention and Visitors Bureau (Kyoto CVB) has released their annual statistics report of international meetings held for Kyoto in 2016. The statistics in the report are based on the standards set by the Japan National Tourist Organization (JNTO). The report reveals that Kyoto’s unique and proactive meeting initiatives have successfully brought record numbers of meeting participants to the city three years in a row.

・In 2016, the number of participants in international meetings in the Kyoto City/Prefecture area reached an all-time high.

・Kyoto City had an all-time high of 269 meetings. Numbers of participants also reached an all-time high of 45,683 – a 54.7% increase of the previous record of 26,339.

・In Kyoto Prefecture (Kyoto City excluded) participants increased by 89% for an all-time high of 19,761.

・According to ICCA’s report, Kyoto had an increase of 13 meetings and rose 13 places in the ranking. This is Kyoto’s highest ICCA ranking since 2012, when the unusually large number of meetings is thought to be from meetings that relocated into the area from the Kanto region in the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

For more information, download the full release here.
