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Unique Kyoto Experiences

Kyoto was the capital of Japan for over 1000 years. Kyoto is the source of not just tea ceremony and flower arrangement, but also Noh theatre, traditional Mai dancing (geisha dancing) and much more, and even today Kyoto remains the undisputed cultural capital of Japan. The countless traditions and techniques that were polished to perfection over the history of Japan have been carried down in Kyoto from generation to generation. Cultural experiences that let participants touch this deep world of culture are sure to stir their hearts.
Incorporating this sort of program into a MICE plan or excursion is sure to increase the level of satisfaction of participants.

There are other experiences not listed here that are possible including company inspections and factory viewings. We can introduce companies that can tailor a plan to your needs, so please inquire freely.

Furthermore, there is a system in which Kyoto Convention & Visitors Bureau can subsidize costs for traditional Kyoto-style cultural programs such as geisha dancing, wadaiko drumming, wearing kimono and more. Please inquire for more details.
