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Subsidy for Attracting Large-Scale International Conventions

Meetings whose destination has not been decided and that meet the conditions listed below may be eligible for a subsidy of up to 1,000,000 JPY to help support the costs of attracting a meeting to Kyoto.

Application deadline: Before the destination is decided

  • Eligible meetings: international conferences/congresses
  • Applicable costs: Costs for attracting meetings, such as advertising, printing, venue rental for promotional events, inviting/hosting key persons, etc.
  • Required meeting duration: 3 days or more
  • Required number of participants: 500 or more participants from 3 or more countries, including at least 100 participants from outside Japan
  • * Meeting purpose must not be to make a profit

Prior consultation is required to apply for this subsidy.
Please contact us using the form below.
