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Subsidies for Meetings & Events in Kyoto

We have announcement that the applications for Kyoto City's financial support for 2024 is now opened.

  • If you would like to use our subsidy, please send an inquiry from "Click here for inquiries" below, specifying the system you wish to use and the outline of the MICE event. Our member will send you application forms one by one.
  • 【★ marked subsidy】
    Since this year, we have established subsidies and subsidy exclusion dates as shown in the attached sheet. Click here for the calendar of subsidy/subsidy exclusion days Applications will be accepted from April 19th (Friday) for the first half of the year (April to September) / September 2nd (Monday) for the second half of the year (October to March 2024). (In principle, screening will be done on a first-come, first-served basis)

Subsidies for Convening Sustainable Meetings & Events(★)

  • Eligible meetings: Corporate meetings, incentive tours, domestic & international conferences/congresses, alumni reunion (university alumni reunions, corporate alumni reunions)
  • Required meeting duration: 1 day or more. *At least 70% of participants must stay at least one night in Kyoto City (except for alumni reunions.)
  • Required number of participants: 30 or more for corporate meetings, incentive tours, domestic & international conferences/congresses; 100 or more for alumni reunions
  • Applicable costs: Costs for initiatives that contribute to sustainability
  • Maximum subsidy amount: Up to 300,000 yen *Subsidy of up to 50% of expenses (maximum 300,000 yen)

Kyoto MICE Events Subsidy(★)

  • Eligible meetings: Corporate meetings, incentive tours, domestic & international conferences/congresses
  • Applicable costs: Costs for holding meetings
  • Maximum subsidy award: 2,000,000 JPY
  • Required duration: 2 days or more
  • Required number of participants: 50 or more
  • Application period: Fiscal year the event will be held in, at least one month before the event

Kyoto Prefecture MICE Subsidy

Special subsidies are available for corporate meetings, incentive tours, conventions, break-out sessions, and excursions that are held outside of Kyoto City limits but within Kyoto Prefecture. Please inquire for details.

City of Kyoto Visitors Host (Kyoto’s Local Interpreter Guides) Subsidy

  • Eligible meetings: International conventions/congresses
  • Applicable costs: Costs of using City of Kyoto Visitors Hosts for excursions, spouse programs, and tours during and after the meeting, as well as private tours for invited guests and their families.
  • Meeting requirements: Main meeting must be 2 or more days and held within Kyoto Prefecture, with at least 50 participants from 3 or more countries. Excursions must be within Kyoto City limits.
  • Maximum subsidy awards: Up to 30,000 JPY for 50 – 200 participants, up to 50,000 JPY for 201 – 500 participants, up to 100,000 JPY for 501 or more participants
  • Application period: Fiscal year the event will be held in, at least one month before the event
  • For information on City of Kyoto Visitors Hosts:
  • City of Kyoto Visitors Host (Kyoto’s Local Interpreter Guides) Subsidy

Large-Scale International Conventions Subsidy

  • Eligible meetings: International conventions/congresses
  • Applicable costs: Costs associated with holding large-scale international meetings
  • Maximum subsidy award: 10,000,000 JPY
  • Required meeting duration: 3 or more days
  • Required number of participants: 500 or more participants from 3 or more countries, including at least 100 non-Japanese participants
  • Application period: Must be submitted before the host city is decided

Prior consultation is required to apply for these subsidies.
Please contact us using the form below.
