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Why Kyoto
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Meeting Facilities & Accommodations
Kyoto’s streak of wins shows that Kyoto has the power to attract new congresses to Asia and that Kyoto is an ideal location for congresses are ready to come to Asia for the first time
Kyoto wins 4 high level scientific and scholarly congresses, including meetings that haven’t been held in Asia and Japan before!
This includes the 2020 World Conference on Carbon (800 delegates), 2019 World Parkinson’s Congress (3,200 delegates), the 2019 Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine (520 delegates), and the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (1,000 delegates).
Kyoto’s streak of success reveals a trend that Asia is becoming an increasingly important destination for international meetings. Kyoto’s comprehensive bureau support, great selection of world class meeting facilities, strong local hosts, traditional cultural heritage and cutting edge innovation offer a perfect mix of what high quality scientific and scholarly conferences need to make the first big step into Asia.
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