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Why Kyoto
Support & Services
Meeting Facilities & Accommodations
On September 29th, 2016, Kyoto Convention and Visitors Bureau launched its new City of Kyoto Visitor’s Host (KVH) program and accompanying website.
This new program aims to “Bring Joy to Travelers” by matching visitors with highly trained and knowledgeable local guides.
Visitors to Kyoto will now have access to interpreter guides who are highly trained and knowledgeable in Kyoto City and have received training on Kyoto’s attractions, culture, history, traditional industries, artisans, cultural assets and more. English speaking and Chinese speaking guides are available and have all passed an oral exam given by KCVB upon completion of their training.
The City of Kyoto Visitors Host’s symbol is the clematis flower, also known as the “traveler’s joy”. In this spirit of Kyoto-style high quality service and warm hospitality, the KVH website’s search engine is also named “Clematis”. Visitors will be able to use the Clematis site to search for a KVH guide that matches their needs and interests best and subsequently contact their guide to confirm dates, times, fees, etc.
This program not only provides great options for tourists who want to get the most of their experience while in Kyoto, but it also offers great resources for incentive travel planners or for excursions and spouse programs for congresses, conventions, and other meetings.
For inquiries, more information on the program or to request services from a City of Kyoto Visitor’s Host, visit the official website at: